Photograph: André van den Bos

Personal data
Name Glenn R. Priester
Date of birth 20-7-1950
Place of birth Djakarta (Indonesia) Since 1955 resident in the Netherlands
Address Oostlangeweg 9
Postcode 4513 KB
Town Hoofdplaat (gemeente Sluis)
Land Netherlands

(+31) 0117 34 03 48 of 06 53 491 089

Art education
- Royal Academy of Art, The Hague
- Royal Academy of Art, Antwerp
- History of art, University of Amsterdam

Description of work
The mean thread in my work is the Dutch landscape without people and buildings. The most important elements are water, the sea, light, the magnificent clouds and the (artificial) land. I have, of course, asked myself what I could add to the fairly traditional subject of landscape. Firstly, I have altered the starting point: from water or sea towards the land. Further I have asked myself what water and clouds in all their different forms mean for this defined area (Holland), when related to color, light, atmosphere, etc., and the feelings which I have in relation to this. An ongoing search for a balance between intellect and feelings.

Through courses at the Higher Navigation School in Rotterdam, I have been able to study another phenomenon of water, namely clouds. The interest for and the knowledge of clouds have changed my field of vision. When talking about landscapes, one meant a horizontal direction. Vision is vertically directed when talking about 'sky-landscapes'. This also has an effect upon the size of the work. Even the weather has a direct and indirect influence on my work, which is composed of different metals. Observing the clouds awakens all sorts of associations; the clouds become a mirror of the spirit.

Technique used
- Paintings: oil, acrylic, watercolor
- Drawings: pastel, ink, pencil
- Graphic art: etchings, screen print
- Objects


- Waterworks (fountains)
- Light: electric / sun energy / candle
- Part of a facade
- Gardens, inner gardens, roof gardens
- Monument of memory

Solo exhibitions
1999 Bergen, Art Gallery
1998 Heemskerk, Galerie Bloemlust
  Luxembourg, Galerie Clairefontaine
1995 Amsterdam, Euretco fashion
1995 Wassenaar, Arnold Hoogendorp Kunstkelder
1995 Leidschendam, Sint Anthoniushove and LKV
1974-1994 The Netherlands: The Hague,
's Gravezande, Loosduinen, Leidschendam

Belgium: Antwerpen, Hasselt

Group exhibitions
1999 Amsterdam, Orangerie
Lage Zwaluwe, 't Onderhuys
Bergen, Art gallery
Akersloot, Galerie Akermare
The Hague, Soho
Gendt, Kdijk
Venray, de Lochting
1998 Luxembourg, Galerie Clairefontaine, together with Attersee, Klimt, Rainer, Wesselmann, Kokoschka, Lüpertz, Penck and Cartier-Bresson.
  The Hague, Ministry of Traffict
  Amsterdam, Orangerie
1997 Dieren, Galerie Ageeth
  Delft, Galerie Cobald, duo exhibition
  Germany, Mainz, Landtag Rheinland Pfalz
  Amsterdam, Orangerie
1996 Luxembourg, Tutesall, Pan-Europa exhibition, selected to represent the Netherlands
  Wassenaar, Bianca in 't klooster
1996 - 1998 Amsterdam, Arts Place; The Hague, Arts Place
1995 Leidschendam, LKV and Green Park Hotel


The Hague, Pulchri Studio

1999 The Hague, Holland Art Fair
  Alkmaar, Artiade
1998 Rosmalen, Afa
  Apeldoorn, Decofa
  Alkmaar, Artiade
  The Hague, Holland Art Fair
  Alkmaar, Artiade
1998 Nijkerk, Flora
  Alkmaar, Artiade
  The Hague, Holland Art Fair

1999 Luzembourg, hall private house
  Amsterdam, front and back facade private house

Work in possession of
- Various private collections in The Netherlands, United States, Luxembourg and Austria
- Art loan gallery and Town museum, The Hague
- Town Leidschendam
- AMC (Academical Medical Center) Amsterdam, Lucent, Van Leer, VNG, Zürich Leven

Opening speech by Hans Paalman

Opening speech by Hans Paalman, ex-director of the City Museum, Schiedam, in September 1995.

The French painter George Braque once said: 'Writing is something other than describing, painting something other than representation', and that description can be applied to the work of Glenn Priester. He attempts to visualize that which appears as phenomena in the nature surrounding us. The theme of this exhibition 'Weather Gods' is clouds - a new theme in Glenn's work.

Since his youth - even as early as his years in the tropics - it was water which attracted and inspired him to the conception of his landscapes. He now has another natural apparition, namely clouds. The atmosphere in his earlier landscapes was dominated by the presence of water.
In his landscape representations, he attempts to visually show contrast in nature. The contrasts between hard rock formations and apparent soft water, the contrast of the sun (according to Hugo Claus: 'that endless face that burns') and the shadow of mist. He paints, as it were, the contrasts of nature; contrasts which became atmospheric images of landscape experience.
The Hague's painter/poet Willem Hussen created a painting with words, inspired by water and air, in an 'evocative manner':


' put the blue
of the sea
against the
blue of the
sky, paint
in the white
of the sail
and the
wind blows'.


At this exposition the theme is clouds. Through courses at the Higher Navigation School in Rotterdam, Glenn was able to involve himself with another natural form of water, namely clouds. If his earlier landscape impressions were mostly horizontal, often with a typically Dutch horizon - now his recent work, which he calls 'sky-landscapes', is vertically biased Also the use of various materials: as well as linen and wood, also metals which have an alienating affect, nevertheless it strengthens the visual form.
A first confrontation with the new work gives the observer the impression that a certain form of constructivism is recognisible, it is that the vertical and sometimes horizontal lines do not seem to be fixed straight lines, to the naked eye, but are vibrating coloured panels.

All the same, a quote from two Russian sculptors in 1920, Antoine Pevsner and his brother Naum Gabo (statue Bijenkorf Rotterdam) can be applied to Glenn's recent work. In a manifesto published in 1920, they declared that art was 'founded on the real laws of life'. They declare that:
'With the plummet in our hands, our eyes exact as a ruler, in a mind as pecise as a compass .... we construct our work, just as the universe constructs itself, as an engineer his bridges, a mathematician his formulas for the orbits of planets.'

The skylandscapes of Glenn Priester are pictorial observations of cloud movements; of clouds: 'visible, obvious to the naked eye or not, formed masses of floating tiny droplets of water or ice crystals in the atmosphere, which can change to rain, snow or hail' according to Van Dale.

Glenn Priester tries to capture this natural process within the context of his paintings. He experiments, as it were, with the aquired knowledge of meteorology and landscape painting. The English landscape painter John Constable has formulated the following:
'Painting is a science and should be seen as a progression of the research in to the laws of nature. Why is landscape painting not seen as a part of natural philosophy and the painting as its experiments?'

This question will now be answered in the 'skylandscapes' of Glenn Priester.
An exhibition which shows how inspiring the space, which divides heaven and earth, is. Glenn Priester interprets signals from this space in a totally personal way.
It was a prvilege to have the oppportunity to introduce this work to you.